Perhaps the best find of the 21st century. Acai is a fruit from a special palm tree that grows exclusively in a very specific region of the Amazon. Acai has a wonderful flavor that resembles a mixture of chocolate and blueberries. Besides making a delicious smoothie, we also create an energy-packed bowl that is topped with fresh fruit and organic hemp granola. No matter how you eat it through a straw or with a spoon, you can be certain that you are taking in one the most nutritious and delicious foods on earth.
1 Energy Bowl = 300% of recommended daily antioxidant requirement.
Apples are a terrific source of pectin, which forms a gel to remove toxins from the intestines and at the same time stimulates peristaltic and bowel activity. The potassium and phosphorus in apples help flush the kidney and control digestive upsets. The natural sugar in this fruit produces acids that stimulate saliva flow and digestion.
Is the most well known and eaten tropical fruit. Eat at least one banana a day, they are said to contain everything a human needs nutritionally. They even contain all the 8 amino-acids our body cannot produce itself. Bananas are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. Ripe bananas stimulate bowl movement and prevent constipation. One medium size banana contains 110 calories, one gram of protein, 29 grams of carbohydrate, and four grams of dietary fiber. Bananas also contain 20 grams of sugar which makes them ideal for few of us who actually want to gain weight. Bananas also contain calcium, 357 mg of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
One cup of blueberries contains 80 calories, one gram of protein, half gram of fat, 20 grams of carbohydrates, and four grams of dietary fiber. Wild Blueberries are a tasty way to eat right and stay healthy. Blueberries has more of the antioxidant power you need to fight aging, cancer and heart disease when measured against comparable forms of other commercially available fruits and vegetables. Blueberries are 80% water. They contain vitamin C, sulfur, vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium.
Kiwis are small fruits that pack a lot of flavor and plenty of health benefits. Their green flesh is sweet and tangy. It’s also full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber. Their small black seeds are edible, as is the fuzzy brown peel, though many prefer to peel the kiwi before eating it.
Mangoes are among the most succulent and delicious fruits on the Planet. They are rich in beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, and pantothenic acid, and B complex. Mangoes contain a large amount of digestive enzymes. 1/2 medium size mango contains 70 calories, 1 gram of protein, 18 grams of carbohydrate, and 2 grams of dietary fiber.
There are different types of oranges: navel oranges, Valencia oranges and blood oranges are the most cultivated races.The orange is cultivated over thousands of years now. It is supposed to originate from South- and indo-China. The calcium in fortified orange juice is better absorbed than the calcium in milk. A glass of milk (8 ounces) has 291 mg of calcium; of which 93 mg is absorbed (31%). Fortified orange juice (8 ounces) has 350 mg of calcium; of which 130 mg. is absorbed (37%). One orange contains about 50 mg. vitamin C; this is about 2/3 of our daily need.
Traditionally used for Acidosis, blood problems, heart disease, kidneys problems, acne, constipation, and ulcer. Papaya contains a protein-splitting enzyme called Papain, a naturally digestive enzyme. Papaya stimulates the appetite and aids digestion, good for heartburn and indigestion, and inflammatory bowel disorders. Papaya contains vitamin B, C, and Iron. Papaya also contains Sulfur, vitamin A, Sodium, Potassium, and Phosphorous. ½ medium size papaya contains 60 calories, one gram of protein, 15 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of dietary fiber.
Pitayas from Central America have what some would describe as an earthy strawberry-raspberry taste. The deep color also signifies that the fruit carries a lot of nutrients and is packed with Antioxidants. The Pitaya is one of only a few fruits that grows from a cactus, The amazing Pitaya fruit is famously known as a natural fiber rich digestive aid that is packed with Antioxidants, Omega-3s but low in sugar. It is also a good source of Vitamin C, Calcium and magnesium. The best Pitaya fruits can be found in Central America. We work directly with the farmers to make sure only the best of the best Pitaya goes into all of our products.
Raspberries much like blueberries are rich in Anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are the water-soluble plant pigments that are responsible for most of raspberries health benefits that include anti-inflammatory properties, protection of large and small blood vessels against oxidative damage, and improvements in eyesight. Anthocyanin is a great antioxidant against hydrogen peroxide, and other oxidants. They are found in both fresh and frozen raspberries. Raspberries are high in dietary fiber (26%) and contain many minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and copper. But they are particularly a great source of Manganese (37%), and Vitamin C (35%).
Strawberries are a fantastic source of vitamin C and natural sugars that cleans the system. Strawberries are high in potassium and iron, which is good for strengthening the blood. The sodium content makes them a valuable tonic for nerves and keeping glands healthy, which explains why they are considered “youth” food. What is valued most in strawberries is the presence of ellagic acid, which reduces and often neutralizes the damaging effects of the carcinogen. 1/2 basket of strawberries (8 berries) contains 45 calories, 1 gram of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 4 grams of dietary fiber.
Watermelon juice is full of pro-vitamin A, potassium, and zinc. Zinc plays an important role in the growth and maturity of the gonads, the male sex glands, and also is vitally linked with the health of the prostate gland. Zinc has been pointed out as an active agent in most so-called virility foods, such as oysters, raw nuts, and pumpkin seeds. Because 95% of the food value is in the rind, it is even better to juice watermelon than to eat it. The watermelon rind releases a free-radical scavenger that re-oxygenates cells, reserves the peroxide emission dying cells put forth, and effectively acts as an anti-aging agent.
Spinach is a natural laxative and it therefore needs to be used in moderation. It traditionally was used to treat Anemia, Colitis, poor digestion, constipation, kidney and liver issues, and thyroid gland problems. Spinach is known for its high concentration of Iron, but it contains almost 30 times as much Magnesium, and 18 times as much Phosphorous, and an amazing 206 times more Potassium. Spinach contains little more than half as much vitamin C as oranges. Spinach juice must be taken in moderation. For most people having spinach juice once or twice a week is enough.
Wheat-grass is a super source of chlorophyll. It has the widest range of vitamins and minerals of any of the vegetables. Only one ounce of wheat-grass contains up to 70% chlorophyll and is equivalent to 2 pounds of produce nutritionally. Use of wheat-grass is said to help cleanse the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract. Wheat-grass is also recommended as a way to stimulate metabolism and bodily enzymes. Wheat-grass reportedly stimulates and normalizes the thyroid gland, which may be helpful in correcting obesity and indigestion.
At just 10 calories a stalk, celery’s claim to fame may be that it’s long been considered a low-calorie “diet food.” But crispy, crunchy celery actually has a number of health benefits that may surprise you. Celery is a great source of important antioxidants that protect cells, blood vessels, and organs from oxidative damage.
Celery contains vitamin C, beta carotene, and flavonoids, but there are at least 12 additional kinds of antioxidant nutrients found in a single stalk.
The primary bioactive component in ginger, a root that was originally found in China, is gingerol. The main benefit of gingerol, from a physical health perspective, is its demonstrable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are capable of helping prevent or fight off a wide variety of infections and threats to the human immune system.
More specifically, any food that is high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds can play a role in helping the body reduce swelling and prevent the spread of serious illnesses, from cancer to heart disease.
The nutrients it contains support healthy skin, hair, and bones. The fiber content enhances digestion and contributes to cardiovascular health. With more nutritional value than spinach, it may help improve blood glucose control in diabetes, lower the risk of cancer, reduce blood pressure, and help prevent the development of asthma. The nutrients in kale can help boost wellbeing and prevent a range of health problems. It contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, and vitamin K, among others. Even the chlorophyll in kale may have health benefits. It is also a good source of vitamin C and iron.
Parsley contains many powerful antioxidants that can benefit your health. Antioxidants are compounds that prevent cellular damage from molecules called free radicals. Your body requires a healthy balance of antioxidants and free radicals to maintain optimal health
The main antioxidants in parsley are
flavonoids, carotenoids & vitamin C.
The fragrant herb is particularly rich in a class of antioxidants known as flavonoids. The two main flavonoids include myricetin and apigenin.
Studies show that diets rich in flavonoids may lower your risk of colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Fresh beets have a rich, sweet earthiness that delights the palate. Their rich mineral makeup contributes directly to the well-being of the liver and gall bladder while building up blood corpuscles and cells and stimulating the activity of the lymph glands. Beets emulsify bile and flush the kidneys and bladder. Beets contain iron, calcium, sulfur, potassium, and chlorine. They are also a source of beta carotene and vitamin C. They also contain manganese which combines with iron to feed the liver and red corpuscles. This vital mineral contributes to normal brain functions, reproductive functions, bone structure, and normal glucose metabolism.
They are a terrific source of pro-vitamin A, An 8 oz glass has about 20,000 mg of this nutrient. A pound of carrots also contains about 30 mg of vitamin C, as well as most of the B complex. Besides calcium and iron, carrots contain the minerals potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. The complex carbohydrates in carrots give the body energy. Carrot juice is also easy to digest. Its therapeutic effect on the liver cannot be overlooked as it assists the organ to release bile and excess cholesterol. Alkaline minerals in carrots soothe and tone the intestinal walls while protecting the entire nervous system. Carrot juice will help protect the skin against sunburn, a bonus for those of us who enjoy being outside in good weather.
Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae, an immediate food resource, rich in B vitamins, iron, and other trace minerals. It produces 20 times as much protein as soybeans growing on an equal-sized area. It provides all 9 of the essential amino acids plus 10 of non-essential ones. Spirulina has no hard cellulose in its cell membrane; thus, its nutrients are easily digested and assimilated. It contains 60 to 70 percent protein, the nucleic acids RNA and DNA, chlorophyll, and 5% essential fatty acids. It is also one of the richest sources of beta carotene (10 times more than carrots). It contains more vitamins B12 than beef, liver, chlorella, or sea vegetables.
It is rich in many basic nutrients, such as B vitamins (except for B12), 16 amino acids, and at least 14 different minerals. The protein content of yeast is responsible for 52% of its weight. Yeast is also high in phosphorus which aids in increasing the mental and physical efficiency. Brewer’s yeast is a bitter herb that is also used as an ingredient in beer. It is a good energy booster between meals. Yeast helps in sugar metabolism and is good for eczema, heart disorders, gout, nervousness, and fatigue. By enhancing the immune system, yeast is useful for people undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy for cancer. Since yeast contains sinificant amount of phosphorus, people suffering from osteoporosis should avoid yeast products.
Our protein powder is a soy-based powder. It has all 9 essential amino acids, less than one gram of fat and is very low in calories. This is great for vegetarians. One serving contains 50% 0f the recommended daily requirement for protein, and 10% calcium requirement, and 20% of the daily iron requirement
Calcium is vital for the formation of strong bones and teeth and for the maintenance of healthy gums. It is also important in the maintenance of healthy gums. It is also important in the maintenance of a regular heartbeat and the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium lowers cholesterol levels and helps prevent cardivascular disease. It is needed for muscular growth and contraction , and for the prevention of muscle cramps. It may increase the rate of bone growth and bone mineral density in children. This important mineral is also essential in blood clotting and helps prevent cancer.
Lecithin is a type of lipid that is needed by every living cell in the human body. Cell membranes, which regulate the passage of nutrients into and out of the cell, are largely composed of lecithin. The protective sheathes surrounding the brain are composed of lecithin, and the muscles and nerve cells also contain this essential fatty substance. Lecithin consists mostly of the B vitamin choline, and also contains linoleic acid and inositol. Although lecithin is a lipid, it is partly soluble in water and thus acts as an emulsifying agent. This nutrient helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, protects against cardiovascular disewase, improves brain function, and aids in the absorption of thiamine by the liver and vitamin A by the intestine.
Wheat germ is the embryo of the wheat berry. It is a good source of vitamin E, most of the B vitamins, the minerals calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, and several trace minerals. It is also a great source of vegetarian protein since it contains 29% pure protein.
Various foods have been hailed as “perfect.” One that deserves this distinction but is rarely mentioned is bee pollen. Studies from all over the world indicate that this dust gathered by bees from the stamen of flowers is worth its weight in gold. Bee pollen contains 22 amino acids (and higher amounts of the eight essential ones than most high-protein foods), 27 mineral salts, the full range of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, and more than 5000 enzymes and coenzymes necessary for digestion and healing. Bee pollen is composed of 10 to 15% protein. It contains B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, amino acids, essential fatty acids, carotene, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, plant sterols, and simple sugars.
Ginseng reduces stress, restores energy, lowers blood pressure, increases stamina, strengthens the immune system, helps control cholestrol, and improves memory. The active ingredient, ginsenosides, are the components of ginseng that give it it’s valuable properties. Ginseng is used throughout the Far East as a general tonic to combat weakness and give extra energy. Russian scientists claim that the ginseng root stimulates both physical and mental activity, improves endocrine gland function, and has a positive effect on the sex glands. Ginseng is beneficial for fatigue because it spares glycogen by increasing the use of fatty acids, as an energy source. It is used to enhance athletic performance, to rejuvenate and to increase longevity, and to detoxify and normalize the entire system.
Vitamin A
According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men taking beta-carotene supplements had significantly greater NK (key immune cells that have antitumor activity and help fight infections) cell activity compared with those taking placebo. In a study published in International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research, the inhibitory effects of beta-carotene and vitamin A on precancerous lesions in rats was compared when administered during early promotion of liver cancer. The incidence and total number of nodules in the liver were significantly decreased in the beta-carotene group compared to the untreated group. Vitamin A supplemented rats exhibited a lower number of liver nodules but incidence remained at 100 percent. A study published in contemporary international medicine concluded that women in the highest quintile of beta-carotene intakes had a 22 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease, while men in the highest quintile were 25 percent less likely to suffer from a coronary heart problem
Vitamin B
Although the water-soluble B vitamins each have their own unique, individual properties, they possess similar coenzyme functions and are commonly found together in foods. They are very important for the normal functioning of the nervous system and are often helpful in bringing relaxation or energy to individuals who are stressed or fatigued. Additionally, B vitamins help provide energy by acting with enzymes to convert carbohydrates to glucose and also are important in fact and protein/amino acid metabolism. They also influence the health of the skin, hair, eyes, and liver. However, because the B vitamin are easily digested and absorbed, deficiencies of one or more B vitamin is not uncommon, particularly during times of fasting or dieting. Because of these deficiencies, and no known toxicity associated with their use, modest excesses should not be cause for concern. When the amount of B vitamins taken exceeds the bodys needs, the excess is easily excreted in the urine. Click the next button to read about variety of B vitamins.
Vitamin B1
The first B vitamin to be discovered, vitamin B1 (thiamin) is part of an enzyme system essensational for nearly every cellular reaction in the body due to its involvement in energy production and carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism. Foods rich in thiamin include organ meats, dried beans, peas, soybeans, peanuts, poultry, egg yolks and fish. Sources of moderate amounts include plums, raisins, asparagus, broccoli and oatmeal. However, foods lose their thiamin content if exposed to ultraviolet light, sulfites, nitrites or live yeast. Cooking also destroys a portion of the nutrients. It has been suggested that adequate thiamin levels may help prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries and thereby reduce the progression of atherosclerosis. Thiamin also is important in the health of the nervous system, possibly because of its role in the synthesis ofacetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Thiamin deficiency is rare in developed countries because refined flours and cereals are often fortified with the nutrient.
Vitamin B2
The second B-complex to be discovered was vitamin B2, or riboflavin. A yellow-orange, water-soluble compound, riboflavin is part of two enzymes that are essential for tissue respiration and the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats. Many people may be marginally deficient in B2 as a result of taking antibiotics, oral contraceptives or alcohol, all of which depleted or interfere with the absorption or utilization of riboflavin. Symptoms of severe riboflavin deficiency include depression, loss of appetite and decreased sensitivity to touch, as well as red and swollen lips, mouth and tongue. Deficiency can also lead to vitamin B2 anemia, which is thought to occur either because the deficiency inhibits red blood cell production, or because it causes the cells to die too early. In a recent study conducted at the University of Liege, researchers found that a high daily dose of vitamin B2 may also be helpful in preventing migraine headaches.
Vitamin B3
Although the role of vitamin B3, or niacin, in metabolizing fats has made it a favored treatment for high levels of cholesterol, it has other cardiovascular functions, as well. It can be used in the treatment of anxiety, circulatory problems, and emotional or physical stress. One of the first signs of the pellagra, or niacin deficiency, is skin sensitivity to light. The skin then becomes rough, thick and dry. Other symptoms include weakness and general fatigue, anorexia, indigestion and skin eruptions. Niacin deficiency symptoms can be seen in people with a dietary intake of less than 7.5 mg per day. Vitamin B3 is found in beef, pork, fish, milk and cheese, whole wheat, potatoes, corn and carrots. Because only small to moderate amounts of vitamin B3 occur in foods as pure nice, it is advisable to steam, baked, or stir-fry vegetables to spare as much of this vitamin as possible. The RDI for vitamin B3 is 20 mg for men and women. Deficiencies are common in alcoholics and severely malnourished people, as well as in people with cancer, protein deficiencies or women who are taking oral contraceptives.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, as a family of chemically related compounds including pyridoxamine and pyridoxal which are found in animal products, and pyridoxine, which is found in plants. The form most commonly found in foods and supplements is pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the proper functioning of more than 60 enzymes. It helps in the synthesis and breakdown of amino acids, in the conversion of amino acids to carbohydrates or fat and in the conversion of one type of fat to another. Chicken, fish, liver, kidney, pork, eggs, milk, wheat germ and brewers yeast all are good sources of the vitamin, but long storage, canning, roasting or stewing can destroy vitamin B6. The RDI is 2.0 mg for men and women and 2.5 mg for pregnant and lactating women. Although the Framingham Nutrition Studies published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association indicate that 51 percent of men and 49 percent of women meet the daily guideline, many people still require more than the RDI due to a number of outside influences such as exposure to radiation, tobacco use, air pollutants, stress and the use of oral contraceptives.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is the only vitamin that contains an essential mineral cobalt. It is also unique in that it is required in much smaller amounts 3 to 4 mcg; however, levels of up to 1 mg are often used therapeutically. It is essential for the metabolism of the nerve tissue and necessary for the health of the entire nervous system. The body stores vitamin B12, so deficiencies may take several years to develop. The highest concentrations of B12 are found in the liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, brain, testes, blood and bone marrow all active metabolic tissues. Vitamin B12 is found in significant amounts in the animal proten foods. Primary food sources include most fish (specially the oily ones), crabs and oysters, eggs, milk products and meat. Three to 4 mcg of vitamin B12 is needed in most adults to prevent deficiency, but 10 to 20 mcg daily is a good insurance level. Vitamin B12 can also be consumed through oral supplementation, most widely found as cyanocobalamin. Hydroxycobalamin is a form of B12 used in injections which are recommended in cases of B12 malabsorption.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps to repair and regenerate tissues, protect against heart disease, aid in the absorption of iron, prevent scurvy, and decrease total and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides. Research indicates that vitamin C may help protect against a variety of cancers by combating free radicals, and helping neutralize the effects of nitrites (preservatives found in some packaged foods that may raise the risk of certain forms of cancer). Supplemental vitamin C may also lessen the duration and symptoms of a common cold, help delay or prevent cataracts, and support healthy immune function.
Deficiency symptoms include fatigue, muscle weakness, joint and muscle aches, bleeding gums, and leg rashes. Prolonged deficiency can cause scurvy, a rare but potentially severe illness.